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[[page number]] 46 [[/page number]]

Montgomery April 1, 1868
[[left margin]] Abbot
S.R.A.2 [[/left margin]] 
Rev Lyman
Pres F A Commission N.Y.

Dear Sir
Letter same as 63.

Montgomery Ala April 2nd 1868

[[left margin]] Whipple 
65 [[/left margin]] 
Rev Geo.
Cor Secty A.M.A.

Dear Sir,
We are in opressing need of teachers for the freedmen in Alabama.
We are almost daily in receipt of the most urgent appeals. Rev Cravath of AM gives me no encouragement. Cannot something additional be done by your association.
The freedmans Bureau has as you know no authority to employ teachers  We are therefore dependent on the benevolent Associations of the North. Could not the AM Asoc be occupied more fully some points additional to the 7 now occupied.
And could not this points now held be occupied more fully, in the city of Montgomery
We can furnish at the present time 200 paying pupils if the teachers could be furnished and sustained. do what you can for this inviting, but needy field
Hoping to receive an early and favorable reply
I am with Great regards
Yours Sincerely
R D Harper
Supt Education  

[[page number]] 47 [[/page number]]
Montgomery Ala April 2nd 1868
[[left margin]] Aid Society
S.R.19. 8 [[/left margin]]
Westchester. Pa
Dear Brother
We are in pressing need of teachers for the freedmen in Ala. The field is inviting and but very partially occupied. We are almost daily in receipt of the most urgent appeals for teachers from different localities. There is no provision as you are doubtless aware in the Freedmen's Bureau for the employment of teachers. We are dependent therefore on the benevolent associations of the north for our supply. 
I write to ascertain if your society can aid us in this matter. We urgently need and sincerely desire your cooperation in this good work. If you can furnish us any backers either for the present school year, or for the year commencing in October, we will endeavor to arrange everything to your satisfaction.
Hoping to receive an early & favorable reply
I am with great regard
yours sincerely
R D Harper
Supt Education