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Montgomery Ala
April 2nd

Shipherd Rev. J. R. 
Sicty - AMA at Chicago

Dear Brother
I write you for help. We are in pressing need for teachers for this state 
The guild is promising and but very partially occupid [[occupied]]. The AMA has schools at several different points-only. We are almost daily in receipt of most urgent appeals for teachers. Cannot the A M Assoc do something more to aid in this great & good work 
I saw Rev Mr Cravath recently as I passed through Cincinnati, but he gave me no encouragement 
I now write to you. If you can furnish us any teachers either for the present year of for the school year commencing with October it will be a special favor, and we will endeavor to arrange everything to your satisfaction. 
Hoping to receive an early and favorable reply
I am
With great regard
Yours Sincerely
R D Harper
Supt Education
Satal of Ala


Montgomery, Ala. April 11th 1868

Hill Rev. J. B. F.
H. 10.

Dear Bro.
Yours of the 6th ult recd
Please find enclosed blank forms of vouchers as desired Maj. C W Peirce will give you all necessary directions
We very much desired that the schools taught by Ms Drake and her sister should be continued You are doubtless aware that we have no funds at our disposal for payment of Teachers. If you can secure tuition from the pupils sufficient to justify you in undertaking the work, we would be pleased to have you do so. 
We are ready to assist you to the full extent of our ability

Yours Sincerely
R D Harper
Super Education

Montgomery Ala Apr 14" 1868

Rob. T.
Sub Asst Comr

In your Sub Dist Commr Report form 4 for March you report 6 teachers of Col'd schools, in your Sub Dist but we have recd no tabulation Statement Ed form 3 from any such schools
Please forward such report at once
Very Respectfully
R D. Harper
Supt Education 

Transcription Notes:
its Cravath - 8/17 - all done