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Montgomery Apr 21 1868

Rust Rev. Dr. R. S.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Dear Sir.
Yours notifying me of the appointment of Rev Mr Atwater was re'cd. Subsequently Mr. Atwater arrived in Montgomery. After consultation it was tho't best to send Mr Atwater to Union Springs in Bullock Co. about 40 miles east of this place. Union Springs is the county seat of Bullock Co. a place of importance, and rapidly increasing, it is the terminus of the Union Springs & Eufaula RR. which is now in operation and will be completed to Union Springs in a short time  There is a large colored population in and around Union Springs. There is a school building erected by the colored people & steps have been taken for the erection of an additional building this summer, But little has been done for the education of the colored people at this point. It is an important and promising place,
I stated to Mr Atwater that I would furnish him with a Room, and aid him in collecting a school in the basement of the M E Church of this place. He seemed inclined to enter upon a new and unoccupied field, and we were anxious to enter upon the work at Union Springs  Accordingly we have sent him there furnishing him transportation from Montgomery to Union Springs and giving him letters of introduction to certain parties who will aid him in his work. We think that Union Springs will during this coming year require three or four teachers. and we hope your society will full occupy this. with other points of importance in the State of Alabama,
I stated to Mr Atwater that if the prospects at Union Springs were not as encouraging as we have anticipated. and matters generally were satisfactory I would change his appointment to 


Montgomery or some other point of equal importance  Hoping this arrangement will be satisfactory to you thanking you for your Kindness in sending as assistance & expressing an earnest desire that your association will give us all possibly aid during the present and coming year. I am Dr Rust
With Great regard
Yours Sincerely
R D Harper
Supt Education

Montgomery Ala Apr 22 1868

Howard O O 
Major Genl & Comr
Washington DC

I have the honor to transmit herewith Tabular Statement of schools in the State for Month of March 1868
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
R D Harper
Supt Education