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interests of a whole community for the personal welfare or comfort of a single individual
Very Respectfully, 
R. D. Harper
Supt. Education
Montgomery Apr 23 1868

Wheeler C. P.

Dear Sir,
Your favor of - has been recd, in reply if affords me pleasure to state that your application for appointment as an Agent Bureau has been recommended by the Asst Commissioners forwarded to Washington. It will probably be approved & the appointment made.
Since the order from Gen'l Howard that return transportation will not hereafter be furnished we have found it difficult to obtain transportation under any circumstances,
Application for transportation on behalf of Mrs Wheeler will be forwarded immediately to Washington with our best endorsement
We hope it will be granted. In view of the application for the Agency it has been thought inexpedient to ask transportation on your behalf.
I shall do all in my power to have AM Association occupy Eufaula fully during the coming year.
It will afford me pleasure to visit your school & make your personal acquaintance
Very Respectfully
R D Harper
Supt Education


Montgomery Ala Apr. 25th 1868

Putnam G. S.
Supt Schools
Mobile Ala.

Dear Sir
Yours of the 22nd requesting transportation for Miss Stanley and attendant from Mobile Ala to Cleaveland Mo is received
We have forwarded your request to the Asst Comr but have no hopes that it will be granted. see enclosed Circular from Bureau as we have forwarded several lately all of which were refused
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
R. D. Harper
Supt. Education.

Montgomery Apr 25t 1868

Cravath Rev E. M.
Secty Am Miss Assoc
Cincinnati Ohio

Dear Sir
Several teachers of your association have applied through this office of late for return transportation, Some of them stating that it was done through your instruction, Please find enclosed Circular 22 dated War Dept. BRF & A.L. July 1st 1867.
No teachers can procure return transportation unless they had been six months ingaged in teaching previous to July 1st 1867 and add recd no transportation.
I write this to prevent misunderstanding as all applications for transportation are refused unless we can state that the applicant was entitled to return transportation at date of Cir 22.
Much as we would gladly do it will 

Transcription Notes:
its Eufaula Alabama, named after a native American tribe that Lived in the area