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not be proper to forward applications for return transportation in the face of so plain an order as cir 32  Should you be able to obtain the repeal of said circular we will be happy to resume the forwarding of such application.
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
R.D. Harper
Supt Ed

Montgomery Apr 27th 1868

Blair Robt
Tuskaloosa. [[Tuscaloosa]]

[[margin]] S.R.14.W. [[/margin]]
Dear Sir
Please find enclosed vouchers favor Allen A Williams who claims to have taught colored school at Carrolton Rickens Co. last June.
If you can sign the certificate please do so and have Williams sign the receipt.
I am trying to collect all these old claims that are just and when they are all together will forward schedule and ask for an order to pay them.
Ver Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
R.D. Harper
Supt Education


Montgomery Ala. Apr. 30th 1868

Smith Robt. T.
S A Comr

Dear Sir
Enclosed please find blank vouchers to be filled and signed by Mr. Brown of Tuskegee.
There is no fund to pay such claims but I am trying to collect them all after which I will forward schedule and request an order for payment.
Very Respectfully
R D Harper
Supt Education
H.W. Bush

Montgomery Ala May 1st 1868

Demy Fr. Solomon
Mineral Springs

Your letter of Apr 27th is before me   When you were encouraged to commence a school at Mineral Springs you represented your fitness for the work and stated that you could teach.  Your conduct since shows your total unfitness for the duties.
Had there been no one else fully competent it might have been better for the children to attend your teaching than not to have attended any school.
You call yourself a teacher and claim pay from your Colored brethren for such work when it would have been far better were you paying some one for teaching you.  When Dr. Harper told you that the colored people must depend upon those of their own Color for teachers he meant those who had attended school and become competent to teach.  We want the