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best teachers that can be had either white or black. The ignorant man cannot teach what he does not know himself, and I would advise you to turn over your school to the 1st compent teacher that offers for we cannot pay rent for any building as totally unfit as you appear to be when you ask assistance you must be willing to accept it when tendered, and the colored people need not ask any assistance further from the Bureau for Union Springs until they show sense enough to profess a Competent for an incompetent man as teacher.
How much better for you and for your colored brethren had they welcomed Mr. Ahvater and said to him We are glad to have a competent man come among us.  Be our Guide!  But no Soloman Derry must be our guide an ignorant selfish man wholly unfit for the work.  We prefer him not because he is good and educated but because he is black and a minister.  
H.M. Bush for 
Supt Education


Buckley 87 E and M 50.

Montgomery Ala. May 4th 1868
C W Buckley
Montgomery Ala.
Dear Sir
Enclosed please find letter from Mr. E.W. Cravath stating that when his Association the A.M.A. took charge of schools in 1867 the following teachers had promise of return transportation from the Govt Mr. and Mrs C. Wheeler, Aldon Emmons, Julia Hanzer, Miss W.F. Tradewell, Miss Burton and Mr. W Rm Gilbert.
As these teachers were employed under your Administration, will you please state whether these teachers were employed by you while they were still in the North with the assurance that they should have return transportation at the close of this year or engagement.
Very Respectfully
your Obedient Servant
R.D. Harper
Supt Education