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Montgomery Ala May 6th 1868
Avercy Mrs. J.C.
Providence R.I.
Please find enclosed draft on Asst Treasurer of U.S. New York for Ten Dollars payable to your order being to pay rent for building occupied by Miss Benton for Month of April less $2.50 advanced to you when here.
Please acknowledge receipt of same and oblige
Your Obedient Servant
H.M. Bush
Agent &c.

Montgomery Ala May 6th 1868
Alvord Rev. J.W.
Genl Supt Schools
Washington D.C.
Dear Sir
Please find enclosed a letter from Miss Martha E Burrell now teaching near Burton in this State which I wish you would consider as favorably as the circumstances will allow, not withstanding Circular @2.

Miss Burrell is one of the best teachers we have in the State and has labored since October without the hope of renumeration earnestly, faithfully and conscientiously for the good of the freedmen, and this outside the influence of any society  She has not the means to pay her expenses North.  Do not the circumstances make her case an exception to the General rule
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
R.D. Harper

Montgomery Ala May 7th 1868
Alvord Rev. J.W.
Genl Supt Schools
Washington D.C.

Dear Sir
It is with reluctance that I enclose you a correspondence between this office and Rev. E.M. Cravath Secty A.M.A. of Cincinnati Ohio but see no other way to do my duty to the parties concerned.  While Circular @2 forbids all return transportation these teachers were employed by Rev. C.W. Buckly late Supt Education State of Alabama with the understanding that they should be returned to their homes without expense and when they were transferred to the Society the understanding was, that the Govt would send them home, or in other words fulfill its part of the contract.  Shall we do it.
These are the only teachers in the State that can in any way claim transportation.
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
R D Harper
Supt Education