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Montgomery Ala, May 9th, 1868

Alvord Rev J. W.
91 Genl Supt Schools
Washington D.C.

Dear Sir
There are several instances of persons becoming deranged while teaching colored schools in this State under pay of the Bureau, with from one to three months salary due.
We might secure their payment from heal funds on hand if they could sign the proper vouchers, and tho expense of having a conservator or Guardian approved is so great as to burden their friends who are in needy circumstances,
Is there any way by which this expense can be obviated and they receive pay for their Invoices
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servt
R D Harper
Supt Education
per HMB


Montgomery May 11th 1868

Jamess Miss Sarah
92 Savannah Ga.

Yours of the 6th inst came to hand this morn.
On the 17th day of January 1868 One Hundred Dollars was forwarded you from this office per Southern Express. We have never been notified of its safe arrival. Was this the money your letter called for, or for pay after Oct. 1st. 1867.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
R D Harper
Supt Education

Montgomery, Ala May, 14th 1868

Howard O. O.
Major General & Coms
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to forward herewith, Tabular Statement of Schools in this State for month of April 1868
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
R D Harper
Supt Education

Transcription Notes:
8/17 - all done