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Montgomery Ala. May 17th 1868

Bartlett C C 
Sub Asst Comr 
Selma, Ala.
B. 46.

Dear Sir
Yours of the 15th inst enclosing Check No 1129 on U.S. Depositary Mobile for fifty dollars, favor R R Vassar is recd. also check No. 1322, same place, favor J L Harris is recd,
In returning receipts - for drafts - sent you Jany. 31st 1868 for teachers salaries, I find no receipts from J B & M F Norris one for fifty-dollars and one for $30.0
Please explain
Very Respectfully
R D Harper
Supt. Education
H M Bush

Montgomery May 19th 1868 

Edmunson Bryant 
West County Ga. 

Your communication of the 10 inst is at hand. Mr. Buckley informs me that the salary of all male teachers were reduced to $30 per month after communication in 1867. This will explain why your vouchers were changed and only $50 00 sent instead of $75.00 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant 
H. M. Bush 
Agent in Office


Montgomery May, 19th 1868

Jenness Miss. S. A.
Savannah, Ga.

Yours of the 14th. inst is at hand. There are no funds to pay salaries after Oct. 1st. 1868. No such salaries have been p'd and orders from Washington strictly forbid
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
R D Harper
Supt Education
H M Bush

Montgomery Ala May 19th 1868

Day Miss Laura
Sheffield Ohio

Dear Friend
Enclosed you will find letter written by request of Lt Col Bucker with endorsements from Washington thereon
You will see by the latter that the only way for the friends of Mr Otis to do is to have Guardian appointed
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
R D Harper
Supt Education

Transcription Notes:
8/17 - all done