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Montgomery June 9 1868

Wurty Wm A
Secty Missions Am S.S. Union

[[margin]]  14 W [[/margin]]
Dear Sir
The 200 volumes of second hand books promised in your communication of May 20 came to hand yesterday in a good state of presentation.
Although not especially adapted to the present wants of our colored schools they will be very thankfully received by the Schools designated.  Each numbering now some 400 members almost everyone of whom can read.
Should you be able to send anything in the line of Question books, cards papers (old or new) singing books or sheets if sent to me I will take pleasure in distributing them and assure you that they will be thankfully received and may ere hope and pray be like good seed on good ground ready to receive it.
Truly Yours,
Act Supt Education


Montgomery Ala June 9 1868

Farrand Geo.A. 
Oberlin Ohio

[[margin]] L.R. D. 4 [[/margin]] 
Your communication of May 20 1868 is at hand  We have no record of your school in this office but would have endeavored to secure your pay from some local funds accrued since you left had there been any data upon which to have acted.  All such claims have been collected and forwarded to Washington as being settled now and the balance of funds turned over. Had you been more prompt it could have been paid in part at least.
Very Respectfully
HM Bush
Act. Supt Education

Montgomery Ala June 10 1868

Howard O.O.
Major Genl and Comr
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to forward herewith vouchers for commutation of transportation favor Miss Marsha E Burnell forwarded from Office Chief Quartermaster May 16th 1868 for signatures and now returned for approval.  
Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
HM Bush
Act Supt of Education