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Montgomery Ala June 10" 1868

Bartlett C.C.
S.A. Commr Edyton Ala

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Dear Sir 
Your communication of the 4th inst in regard to educational matters of your Sub Dist is before me.
We have not teachers to send you and the authorities at Washington refuse especially to pay teachers salaries which I think may be for the best as too much assistance causes weakness rather than strength, dependence rather than self reliance.
You are at liberty to furnish building for intelligent teachers who will engage in the work where sufficient pupils can be congregated to establish a school.
Encourage your freedmen to move forward in their own elevation and not wait for outside assistance.
Very Respectfully
HM Bush
AS Education


Montgomery Ala June 13 1868

Cravath Rev E M

Dear Sir
On my way south, I called twice at your office to have an interview with you respecting the work of education among the freedmen in this state for the coming year.  I was sorry that I could not see you in person.
I am anxious to know what your assoc will be able to do for Alabama during the coming year.  Will you be able to do as much as was done last year or more?  Will  you continue to occupy Montgomery?
Rev Mr Smith your field Agt said to me "If you can find any other association that will take charge of Montgomery we will surrender the field"  Before I make such effort I desire to ascertain from you definitely if the A.M.A. cannot occupy it during the coming year.  For my own part I have no desire to seek for other parties to occupy it.  I would prefer that the A.M.A. should continue in the field particularly as we shall have so comfortable a building to offer you at the first of October.  
If however the A.M.A. cannot occupy Montgomery next year, I desire to know the fact as soon as possible that I may make the best and earliest possible provision for the place.  Your schools closed last night.  The exercises throughout were highly creditable to both Teachers and pupils.
Please let me hear from  you at your earliest convenience.
Yours Sincerely
R.D. Harper
Supt Education