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Montgomery July 7th, 1868

Gardner S S
Sub Asst Comr

Dear Sir
Enclosed find vouchers favor Mr E S Grover favor Salary as teacher at Calhoun which require your signature to certificate if in your Sub. District.
I was the opinion that Mr Grover was engaged in registration during the time specified. 
R D Harper
Supt Education

Curtis James
Major & Sub. Asst Comr. Selma

Please find enclosed vouchers for Mrs Butler's signature and your certificate. There are no funds with which to pay the claim at present but it may become good in future
Very Respectfully
Supt Education


Montgomery July 7th 1868

Alvord Rev J W.
Genl Supt Schools
Washington DC

Dear Sir
In accordance with your request I have the honor to transmit herewith my Monthly Report for the Month of June
It has been delayed a few days waiting for reports from the Sub Asst Comr of the State.
Hoping it may reach you in time for your semi annual publication
I am with Great regard
Yours Truly
R D Harper 
Supt Education

Montgomery Ala July 9 1868

Weirman E. H.
Lieut & Sub Asst Comr. Eufaula

Dear Sir
In your letter of July 7th 1868 to this office you state that there were no schools in session during the Month of June in your Sub Dist. while in your report of buildings rented for school purposes you report a building rented at Troy from John Wiley at $10.00 per Month.
Please explain discrepancy as no voucher should be signed for rent unless the school report is received for the time
Very Respectfully
Supt Education