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Montgomery Ala Aug. 19'/68

Bartlett C C
SA Com Mobile Ala

Dear Sir
We are waiting for Educational Reports from your Sub Dist for Month of July 1868
Respectfully Yours
H W Bush for
Supt Education

Montgomery Ala Aug. 19th 1869

Hyde Mc. E.
Lieut S.A.C. Mobile

The educational reports forms 2 and 4 for month of July 1868 from your Sub District have not as yet been received at this office. Please forward at once.
H. W.  Bush for 
Supt Education

Montgomery Ala Aug 19th 1868

Peck S. M.
Deansville N.Y.

Your letter of Aug 12th 1868 came to hand this morn. and after looking on the record I find no evidence of your teachings in Sept 1864. The Bureau fund is at present exhausted and there is nothing to pay. Should any fund accrue I will keep your case in mind and inform you. 
Very Respectfully
H W Bush for
Supt Education


Montgomery Aug 31st

Neuman E 
Lieut S.A.C. Mobile 

How many of the enclosed vouchers are to assist teaching and how many and which are bonafide for rent of school houses
Henry W. Bush for 
Supt Education

Beecher Edwin Col.
Montgomery Ala, Oct 9, 1868.

Brevt. Lieut Col Edwin Beecher
Asst. Commissioner B.R.F. & A.L.

Dear Sir,
I have the honor to report that in obedience to order No. 94 I visited Huntsville on my return from leave of absence & endeavored to secure a lot for the erection of a School Building.
It was my purpose to have addressed the people of Huntsville to secure if possible their cooperation in the erection of a school building. Notice to this effect was published in the papers. On account however of the public excitement prevalent throughout the country, increased by local difficulties, it was deemed inexpedient to make any effort at this time. I examined several sites & selected one which can be obtained for about $1200. containing over an acre of ground. Since my return I have written to Dr. Rust, Soc of the F.A. Soc of the M.E. Church to ascertain on what terms & to what extent his society will aid in the erection of said building. If his reply is favorable, I shall respectfully request that an appropriation be made & the building put under contract immediately.
Yours Truly,
R. D. Harper
Supt. of Education.

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