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98                            Montgomery, Ala. Oct. 9,  1868.
Office Supt. of Educationl.

Howard O. O. Maj Gen. Commissioner &c.

Dear Sir,

I desire to call your attention to two particulars:

Something must be done for the safety of our College Building in Mobile. Some time since the roof was injured by a storm & since that time it has been leaking & injuring the plastering & the walls. If something is not done soon to repair the building it will be seriously injured. Is it the business of the Bureau, or of the A. M. Association to keep this building in repair?

You remarked to me at Atlanta that after the first of Jan. the work of the Bureau for Alabama would be left in my hands. I desire, therefore, to know something of your plan of operation after that time. As the present building is larger than necessary we should look out in time for a new & suitable location.

It affords me pleasure to inform you that a Bill, which I prepared & introduced, passed both branches of the Legislature today appropriating the sum of $200,000, to be expended in the work of Education in Alabama during the current year commencing Oct. 1, 1868. This is a step in the right direction. At the next session of the Legislature I hope to secure an additional appropriation of $198,000, interest maturing on the first of Dec. next. Our Schools will now open. Having the assurance of payment from the state I have written today to the various Associations of the North to send their teachers immediately.

Hoping to hear from you at your convenience with regard to the first & second particulars in this communication

I am, dear General, 
Your Obt. Servant
R. D. Harper 
Supt. of Education.  


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