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an accomplished fact.
Secondly, we must have an accomplished teacher. A man whose business has been and is to teach - one thoroughly acquainted with the best method of imparting instruction, firm in discipline, yet
full of tenderness and sympathy for a poor and struggling people, and above all, your superintendent would be a person of large Experience in classifying and grading schools. We must have in this City a more thorough gradation of schools than we have ever yet had. It has been 
unfortunate for us here that former superintendents have not been thorough teachers.
They have been men whose very profession has unfitted them in a measure from performing must successfully the duties of a teacher. They have been men of excellent character and done much good, but they never thoroughly organized our schools.
This is the first thing to be done. Both have had assistants who far surpassed them as teachers.
It may be difficult for you to find a man to fill the bill. But our standard is not an ideal one, and within the  cycle of your acquaintance you must know a number of excellent teachers.
Mr. Charles Adams, who has had charge of the schools at Greenville for 
the past four months is my first choice.    
I hope you may think it best to send him here. I think the position would suit him. He has certainly accomplished a great work at Greenville. His accomplished wife is a superior teacher. They will not only keep a good school, but will be very acceptable to our colored popula-


tion. If possible gratify me in this request,
and return them in this city. If however this
is impracticable, I shall be suited with any
good man.

Very Cordially 
Your Friend
C.W. Buckley
Supr. of Education.

Head quarters, Dist of Alabama
Office Supt, of Education
Bureau R.F, & A.L.
Montgomery Ala, Aug. 16th 1867

Rev J.M, Walden D, D.
Secty. Freedman Commission of M. E Church
My Dear Sir:
A few days ago, under direction of the Asst. Commissioner of the State, a payment of six hundred dollars was made by this Bureau towards
The erection of a school house and church combined at Bluffton Ala. near West Parish. The appropriation as first made, was three
hundred dollars, but was afterwards increased to six upon the earnest solicitation of Revs. Chalfant and Caldwell, agents of your Association.
I am happy to inform you that the building has been completed, and is now ready to receive Mr. Edmundson's school. This will release us from paying further rent at that parish, and the new building, moreover
will be much more suitable than the old one.
Mr. Edmundson, the present teacher was employed by the Bureau upon recommendation of Mr. Caldwell who spoke of him in high terms. In assuming the payment of his salary it was done with the strong 
hope, that your Society in planning its
work for the ensuing year would provide