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I am
Very Cordially
Your Obdt Serv't
Superintendent of Education

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Office Superintendent of Schools. Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala Aug 17" 67

Travelli Rev. J. L.
Pittsburg, Penn.

My Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of your letter pertaining to the re-erection of a school house at Stevenson Ala, and the feasibility of purchasing a hospital building of government at Nashville and removing it to Stevenson. In reply I have to state that it is all important to have a good school at Stevenson. I agree with you that now, perhaps as much as before, the work ought to go on. "The inducements to do so were never stronger". We are making vigorous efforts to enlarge our operations, and hope to secure aid from the State upo its reorganization. In regard to the erection of a new house to take the place of the one burned at Stevenson, I think the Assistant Commissioner will aid to the amount of over one hundred and fifty dollars. I think however that a plain cheap house is all that the importance of the place requires. The town is very small, and seemingly a thinly settled country around it. It is hardly more important, in an educational point of view, than a Dallas County [[?]],
I do not think it worth while, therefore, to make a large expenditure there.
But I may be mistaken as I have but


a limited acquaintance with that Section of the state.
I am now leaving our work for another year, and should be pleased to know what part of the State your Association will take off our hands.
Can you not assume the work at Huntsville, Decatur, Stevenson & Florence? perhaps at other points. 
In conclusion permit me to add that your words of sympathy "I wish you and those engaged with you every possible success", are gratifying indeed, I am mindful that in our progress thus far we have been materially aided by the efforts and sympathy of your association.
Very Cordially
Your Obdt Serv't
Superintendent of Education
BR. &. F. State of Alabama 

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Office superintendent Education
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery, Ala Aug 21" 67

Travelli Rev. Jos. S.
Sect'y Freedmens Aid Commis.
Pittsburg, Penn.

My Dear sir
I am in receipt this morning of your very welcome letter of 14" inst, and also, through some unaccountable delay, of yours of July 8", which, owing to its importance demanded an immediate answer.
On Saturday last I wrote you fully pertaining to the Educational interests of Stevenson. I have today forwarded vouchers for your signature, on which payment will be made for rent of school house at Huntsville, Ala. I have read your long