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Oct. 14th

Rev. J. W. Alvord
Genl. Supt. of Education

Dear Sir

Yours of Aug. 19: came during my absence on account of sickness & death of my father-in-law. I could not fail even at this late hour to express my thanks for your approval & words of encouragement.

I have opened correspondence with all of the associations of the North & hope to secure an increased number of teachers during the present year.

I prepared a Bill which passed the Legislature of Ala, recently appropriating $200.000 for school purposes during the present year. This is a start in the right direction. Northern teachers will receive full Monthly compensation from the State as long as the funds hold out. I have made arrangements for nearly twice as many teachers in Montgomery as was employed last year. It will require time to get the schools in working order throughout the State.

Yours truly
R. D. Harper
Supt. of Education