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Oct 29th

Mr. John H. Preston

Dear Sir,
Yours of 25th inst arrived. I fully concur in the sentiments expressed in your letter. I am not able to give you any information additional to that contained in my circular. If Trustees will not act, as I suppose they will not in many cases, I see no necessity for change in the law. It is a sad state of things indeed when men cannot be found who will take an interest in the work of educating the children of the state.

I would gladly assist you if I could. I will send you communications to Dr. N. B. Cloud the State Superintendent of public Instruction, possibly he may be able to give you some counsel or direction in the matter.

If schools are organized I can pay a considerable rent for school buildings. Each school must have at least 45 pupils. And if you will promise a competent salary from the public fund of the State I can have a competent teacher or teachers sent to you. Will be glad to aid you in this good word.  

Yours truly
R. D. Harper
Supt Education.

Refered to Genl. Smith.

Transcription Notes:
Duplicate of previous page