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Oct 29th
Mr. H.S. Whitfield
Dear Sir

Yours of 27th inst rec'd. I am not able to give you any information additional to that contained in my circular. If schools are organized for freedmen the Bureau will pay cost for building - a reasonable amount of  rent for every 45 pupils. If it should be thought best to purchase or erect a building the Bureau will aid to the amount of hundreds of dollars. In all counts the ground must be purchased &, deeded to Trustees to be used exclusively for the benefit of the freedmen. If you wish to rent, purchase, or erect a building for school purposes, for the colored people, make your application to the Sub. Asst. Commissioner of your district, Robert Blair, Tuscaloosa, stating definitively your wants & wishes & he will act upon it & forward to me, Northern teachers will only be sent when they are desired &when they can be safely employed. I am not able to give you information upon other points in your letter, but will refer to D. Cloud. I shall be happy to give you information & to cooperate at with you in this good work.
Yours truly
R.D. Harper
Supt. of Education