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Oct. 31st

Miss Mary Atwater

Dear Madam

Yours of 26th rec'd.  I think Judge Buckley had been appointed County Supt.  He appoints Trustees for each Township. The Trustees organize schools for white & black, fix the hours (6 or 7), employ teachers, & agree with them as to amt. of monthly salary, which will be paid out of the public school fund of the state.  The amt. paid teacher in Montgomery is 50$ per month.  What the associations pay in addition, if anything, I do not know.

Mr. Neely was here to see me last week. Spoke of having you return. I explained everything to him.  You had better correspond with him & Judge Buckley with regard to your return.  All that the Bureau can do it so pay rent for school building or assist in erection of school houses. 

Will be happy to furnish you any addition information if desired.

Yours truly

R.D. Harper
Supt. of Education