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the best they can, and the work thus imperfectly done is better than nothing. We hope to have some improvement in this Sub Dist. during the coming year. The Sub. Asst Comr is a good man, and will do what he can for the interest of the freedmen.

In the Sub District of Mobile I am happy to report the present condition of the schools good, and the prospect encouraging. The money expended in the purchase of Emerson College was a judicious investment. It is a good substantial building, well heated, with a capacity to accommodate some 7 or 800 pupils  The Superintendent and Principal are both men of education and energy, and well qualified for their work. The teachers are all competent and heartily devoted to their work. The college is doing well, and commands the respect, even of those who are prejudiced against the education and the elevation of the colored race. With the assistance of the Principal some 9 or 10 of the more advanced pupils, male and female, and called their attention privately to the importance of qualifying themselves for teaching. They were pleased with the suggestion, and have entered upon the work. The Superintendent thinks that by the end of another year, he will be able to furnish from the college thirty pupils who will be well qualified for the work of teaching the people of their own color