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or indeed of any color. This it seems to me is the way and the only way in which the the freedpeople of the South, can be educated

I shall endeavor therefore in all our schools at important points to select the best and brighest pupils, and have them put in training for educators of their race, 

The schools in the Sub. Dist of Mobile outside of the college are all in good condition, and doing a good work. We expect to organize some new schools in the city of Mobile during the coming month.

I desire to call your attention especially to the fact that the college building at Mobile is greatly in need of repairs. The recent storm at Mobile has injured the fencing and the roof of the building. If something is not done promptly the building will be seriously damaged

The outbuildings and the grounds are in miserable condition. The Superintendent has no means to expend. Something should be done at once to put the property in repair and save it from ruin. Whose duty it is to make these repairs I cannot say, but I desire to call your attention to the subject that something may be done to secure the safety of the building in which the Bureau has made a large investment.

I expect to start in a few days on a tour of inspection through the Sub Dist