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Whole number of Teachers  55
Whole number of Pupils    3.338
Of Schools supported by the Bureau, the actual cost to Government per Month of each pupil was 92½ cents.

The total expenditures for the year in this Department have been as follows:

Amount paid for teachers  $3.777.20
Amount paid for School Supt.  $1.140.67
Amount paid for Rent, Repairs of School house  916.00
Amount paid for Building of School house   799.75
Total $6633.62

Schools have been established in twenty three - nearly one half of the Counties of the State. Cities and large towns have been selected, being the center of my influence, as places in which first to locate Schools. Not much progress has been made in establishing schools on plantations. In a few instances when several Northern men have located in proximity to each other, they have erected School houses, and are teaching the freedmen. I have reason to believe that such schools will greatly multiply just a soon as prejudice dies away, and Northern planters can feel safe in establishing them. Thus Northern ideas are making their way South. Wherever the Bureau has aided in the support of Schools, the thought has been constantly urged.