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donation in money was made by the Episcopal Sabbath School of Columbus this to the colored Sabbath School of Tuscaloosa.

Thus I have endeavoured to present a general outline of our work. But these statements fail to give a true exhibition of the progress made. Nor have we any disposition to sum up all the difficulties and obstacles contended with. It is cheering to know, as we enter upon the labors of another year, that Colored Schools are bringing to their aid the moral support of many right minded men in various parts of the State; and that, there are some who cannot longer disregard the claims of such a work. For myself, it is pleasant to think that an advance, however small, has been made in a cause which promises, though it be through years of patient waiting and toil, such blessed results to the poor and ignorant of an injured race.

I have the honor to be General
With great Respect
Your Obedient Servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Schools
Bureau Refugees & Freedmen