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Mobile R.R. at station No.6. Here I found Mayor R.H. Shaw, who was willing to co-operate with me, and promised to use his influence on his neighborhood to this end. I look for letters from him in regard to a vacant church which he hopes to secure for a school house. should he succeed the way is open for a school at once

Wacoochee Valley
At this place I secured the services of Mr. Thomas Floyd, a citizen of Selma, and well recommended. a house has been secured and he starts a school next week.

In view of the experience of the past ten days, it has occurred to me that in cases where southern teachers are employed, it would be well to require a certificate of qualification from the county superintendent of Education. In the case of northern teachers this examination is made by the commissions sending them.

Hoping that my action will meet with your approval,
I have the honor to be, General
Very Respectfully, your obd't servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education
B.R. and F.