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3  Supt of Educ. 
E(3)  Endorsement on letter of Mrs H.J Echols

Head Quarters Dist of Ala. Montgomery Ala. Jany 23rd 1868
Respectfully referred to the Supt of Education D of A 
If the statements made within are correct payment should be secured to the claimant with as little delay as possible.
By Command of
Bt. Brig Gen'l J Hayden
Sgd Geo Shorkly
Capt 15th Infty Bt. Major U.S.A.
A A A Gen'l

Jany 24th 1868
Vouchers filled and forwarded for her signature this day.
H M Bush
Supt of Education

G (1)  Endorsements on letter Hon H A Garfield

War Department Bureau R F and A.L.
Washington DC Jany 27th 1868
Respectfully referred to the Asst Commr of Alabama who will pay this teacher if she was employed as such by this Bureau
By order of Major Gen'l O O Howard
Sgd E Whittlesey

Head Quarters Dist of Ala
Montgomery. Ala Jany 31st 1868
Respectfully referred to H.M. Bush Supt of Education with reference to endorsement from the Com'r
By order of Bt. Brig Genl Julius Hayden
Sgd Geo Shockley
Capt 15th Infy Bt. Major USA


Y. (1)  Endorsements on letter of J A Yordy, Agent. B.R F & A.L.

State of Alabama B R F & A.L. Office Supt of Education
Montgomery, Ala Feby. 14th 1868
Respectfully referred to the Sub Asst Com'r Sub. Dist of Demopolis for report. If these persons were properly employed by the Bureau there is no reason why they should not be paid promptly.
Very Respectfully
H.M. Bush
Supt of Education.

Endorsements on letter of Sarah Jane Hope

Head Quarters 3rd Mil Dist. Atlanta Ga. February 12th 1868
Respectfully referred to Bt Brig Genl J. Hayden U.S. Army, Asst Com'r. B.R.F. & A.L. Montgomery Ala
By command of
Major Genl Meade
"sgd" N.A. Dunn
Ass't Adj't Gen'l

State of Ala. B.R.F. and A.L. Montgomery Ala Febry 15th 1868
Respectfuly referred to H M Bush Supt of Education. State of Ala.
By order of
Bt Brig Genl J Hayden
"sgd" Geo Shorkley
Capt 15th Infty Bt Major USA
A A A Genl

Office Supt of Education. Montgomery Ala Febry 19th 1868
Respectfully referred to C C Bartlett, Sub. Asst Com'r for report as to propriety of assisting school in said locality as to expense, permancy and efficiency of school
Very Respectfully
Your ob't Servant
H M Bush
Supt of Education

Transcription Notes:
G 1 The Letter about to Hon H A Garfield - so the letter "G" Y. (1) - last name is Yordy