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are needed at Selma to educate teachers for the immense colored population of the immediately vicinity. 
R.D. Harper
Supt Education

E.6.  Endorsement on letter of Alden Emmons, 

State of Ala Bureau R F & A. L.
Office Supt Education Montgomery Apr 1st
Respectfully recommended and found Mr Emmons and Mr Bailey were entitled to transportation previous to issue of Cir Q2. Series 1867 Bureau and Mr Emmons should not suffer for an act of humanity 
R.D. Harper 
Supt Education

H.8.  Endorsements on letter of J.B. Healy.

Sub.Dist of Opelika Bu R F & A.L.
Opelika Ala Mark 31st 1868
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt. Brig Gen'l J. Hayden. 
R T Smith
Sub. Ass't. Com'r

State of Ala. Bu R F & A.L.
Montgomery Ala. April 1st 1868
Respectfully referred to Rev R D Harper Sup't Education
Bur R F & A.L. Ala
By order of Bvt. Brig Gen'l O L Shepherd
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15th Infty - Bvt Maj. W. Sw
A.A.A. Gnl


Office Supt Education Bureau &c
Montgomery, Ala. April 1st 1868
Respectfully returned to J.B. Healy thru office Sub Asst Com'r Opelika for more definite information as to amt of aid needed and for assurance if house was built a school would be sustained
R D Harper 
Supt Education

G.5. Office Supt. Education Bureau &c
Montgomery Ala Ap. 6, 1868.
Report of S.S. Gardner, Sub. Assist. Com.
at Greenville respectfully returned for correction in number of pupils enrolled.
R.D. Harper
Supt. Education 

K 1  Endorsements on letter of Thom Kenedy.

Paymaster's Office. Atlanta Ga. April 2nd 1868
Respectfully referred to Col J.F. Meline G I.R. 3rd Mil Dist for approval or disapproval and return 
E.D. Judd
Paymaster U.S.A.

Bureau Civil Affairs Head Quarters, 3rd Mlty Dist 
Atlanta Ga April 6th 1868
Respectfully returned to Major E D Judd Paymaster U.S.A.  These vouchers were probably meant to be forwarded to the Freedmen's Bureau.  Nothing is known of them nor of the services they set forth at this office.
J.S.[[F]] Meline

Transcription Notes:
Geo. Shorkley, not Sharkley. G.5. and K 1 - the initial comes from the person's last name, such as G -> Gardner; K -> Kenedy. The number goes up as they get more letters about people with that first initial of the last name. J.F. Meline - no records for J.S. Meline. G.J.R. - the top one clearly says "G.J.R." but the bottom one looks like "G.I.R.". Next page clearly says "J.F. Meline" and "G.I.R.". "The Daily Intelligencer" on July 30, 1867, lists the Military Officers there in Georgia, and states "Colonel J.F. Meline, Chief of Bureau of Civil Affairs, General Inspector of Registration for 3rd Mil. Dist. So it is "G.I.R." and "J.F. Meline."