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Supt Education 
13.W} Endorsements on letters of M F. Wells. M Hindman
Office Sub Asst. Com'r Bu. R F & A.L.
Huntsville Apr 13th 1868
Respectfully forwarded to R D Harper Supt of Education B.R F & A.L. with the request that authority be given to purchase the articles named in the within-named communications to be used for the desired purpose.
D C Rugg
Sub Asst Com'r 

State of Ala Bu Ref F & AL.
office Supt Education Montgomery Apr 20th 1868.
Respectfully forwarded to Asst. Commissioner state with recommendation that authority be given the Sub. Asst. Com'r at Huntsville to furnish the articles needed.
I am satisfied that the efficiency of the schools requires these articles to be furnished at once
R D Harper
Supt Education

40.  E&M. 59.
18.S.  Endorsement on letter of Robt Smith S.A.C. State of Ala. Bu Ref. F & A.L.

Office Supt Education Montgomery Apr 23
Respectfully returned to Robt F Smith S.A.C. Opelika. Can we have assurance that if the building is completed, a school could be sustained. Unless we can have this assurance it is not expedient to expend money in erection of building
R D Harper
Supt Education


Endorsement on letter of J.M. Kennedy being continuation of endorsement 32. Page 17. See LR. 16(1)

Sub Dist of Eufaula, Bu &c. Eufaula, Apr 20th 1868
Respectfully returned to R D Harper Supt Education with the following remarks.
Mr. C W Buckley late Supt Education engaged Mr Kennedy in the early part of 1867 to teach colored school at Clayton Ala. for $50.00 per month.
On the 12th day of Aug 1867 Mr Kennedy received notice from Mr Buckley that aid from the Bureau had ceased and that he would have to make his school self supporting. I therefore consider Mr Kennedy's claim just and respectfully recommend its payment
H H Burton
S.A. Comr.

42.  See E&M 39.  L.R. 13.W. 12.H.
Endorsement on letter of M F Wells &c

State of Ala. Bu. R.F & A.L.
Montgomery Apr 22nd 1868
Respectfully returned to R D Harper, Supt of Education who will make personal examination & report upon the general condition of these schools giving amts already expended upon them by the Bureau & for what special purpose. He will also ascertain and report at what special price at Huntsville desks can be made
By order of
Col & Bvt Brig Genl O S Shepherd
Geo Shorkley 
Capt 15th Infty Bvt Major USA
A.A.A. Genl 

Transcription Notes:
Go back to Endorsement 32, of these letters, or Letters Received during this period - number 16 (1) which I think means LS 16, then they have sub letters or the endorsements which they number.