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6 "A" Endorsements on letter of C H Adams.

State of Ala. B R F & A L. Montgomery. July 18th 18
Respectfully referred to R D Harper. Supt Education
Bureau R. F & c State of Alabama for remarks
By order of
Col & Bvt Brig Gen'l Shepherd
G. Shorkley
Capt. 15th Infty. Bvt Major USA
A A A Gen'l

Office Supt Education, Bureau & c.
Montgomery Aa. July 19th 1868
Respectfully referred to office Asst Com'r for Ala From personal Knowledge of the boy Henry Walker. I can heartily approve this application and ask for it a favorable consideration. The boy's Mother is a widow, and will be unable to educate him if he remains here.
R D Harper
Supt Education

30.S. State of Ala Bureau & c
Montgomery Ala Aug.19th1868
Respectfully returned to Lieut Sherwood S.A.C. Talladega for more definite information as to the amount necessary to secure a building at Columbiana. Whether a lot has been purchased on which to build, and if a suitable house cannot be rented for school purposes.
R. D. Harper
Supt Education


30. S. Endorsement on letter of Lieut Sherwood.

Sub. Dist of Talladega. Bureau. & c
Talladega, Aug 26th 1868.
Respectfully returned to R. D. Harper Supt of Education. Montgomery Ala. with the information that a suitable building cannot be rented for school purposes, and that it will cost $350. to erect a building 20 x 40 feet. The land has been given by Miss E. E. Thompson.
G. P Sherwood
1st Lieut. S. A. C.

State of Ala. Bureau of o office Supt Education
Montgomery. Ala. Aug 29th 1868
Respectfully forward to Asst Com'r of Ala with recommendation that the sum of $350. be given by the Bureau for the erection of a school house at Columbiana provided the deed of the land can be secured free from incumbrance and the title vested in responsible parties ready to sustain a School.
Henry M. Bush for
Supt Education