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[[3 Columned Table]]
|When Received| Name| Date and purpose of letter|
|May 17 1868  4|Avery Julia C. L.S. 88|Providence May 11th 1868  Acknowledges receipt of draft sent from this office May 6 1868  Filed|

|July 1st 1868  5|Alvord. J.W. L.S. 121.|War Department B.R.F. & A.L. Office Genl Supt of Schools. Washington D.C. June 26. 1868 Rev. R.D. Harper D.D. Supt. of Schools.
Dr. Sir. Will you forward the July report of Schools as soon as may be after the 1st of the month? It is the wish of the Commissioner that my Semi-Annual report dated July 1st be prepared as soon as possible. And much oblige
Yours &c Very resp'y J.W. Alvord Genl Supt Schools. Filed.|


|When Received|Name|Date and purpose of letter.|

|July 18th 1868  6.|Adams C.H. E and M. 83.|Clyde Ohio July 8 1868|States that there is a boy in the Swayne School whom he considers smart and requests transportation for him from Montgomery Ala to Sandusky Ohio where he will find friends to educate him and provide him a home|
|Aug 23. 1868  7|Alvord J.W. Genl Supt Schools|War Dept. Bureau R F & A.L. Washington Aug 19 1868  Approves plan proposed in Ala. The Com'r expects to do as much or more if the law will allow them heretofore. Congratulates Supt of Education for vigorous manner he has commenced the work. Filed|
|Sept 18th 1868 8|Alvord J.W. Genl Supt Schools|War Dept. Bureau R F & A L  Regrets that the plan for schools under new Bureau Bill is not yet developed  Will send word soon as Genl H returns. Filed.|
|Oct 27th 1868 9|Same L.S. Page.|War Dept. Bureau R F & A.L. Office Gen'l Supt Schools Washington D.C. Oct 24th  Wishes to know how Circular of Oct 19th works. Who will be legally bound for teachers salary. Will teachers be unemburrassed &c. Filed|