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[[3 Columned Table]]
|When Received | Name | Date and purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Janry 29 1868  5. | Benton Miss E.L. | Tuscaloosa January 25th 1868  Encloses vouchers for rent of room used for school for month of Janry 1868  States that her school is improving & that she is proud of it. |
|   |   | Montgomery, Ala Jany 28 1868 Vouchers returned to Robert Blair Sub Asst. Comr. for approval, and Miss Benton notified of the fact (Filed) |
| January 28 1868  6 | Beatty William | Tuscaloosa January 19th 1868  States that Dr Easter employed a teacher by authority of Gen'l Swayne and feeling personally responsible for her salary he paid her $120.00 and being now in distress and very poor desires to be refunded. |
|   |   | Montgomery Ala. January 28 1868  The within matter was settled by draft sent January 21st 1868 H.M. Bush Supt of Education [[note]] Recd back & filed [[/note]] |
| January 31st 1868  7 | Badger M.B. | Gainsville Ala. January 24th 1868  States that he has signed vouchers for Salary as directed and asks for explanation of the change from $75.00 to $50.00 per month. |
| Montgomery Jany 31st 1868  Mr. Badger was paid $75.00 per month until he was refunded for expenses in coming to the field, after which his pay was to be $ (Filed) |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received| Name| Date and purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| February 13 1868  8 | Badger. Mr. B.| Gainsville Ala February 10th 1868  States that he has been kept in suspense in regard to amt due from Bureau, and desires explanation as to money due and transportation home "Filed." see letter 7 |
| 18th 1868  9 | Beatty. Wm H. E and M. 7 | Tuscaloosa Ala February 11th 1868 States that he hired a house to the Govt. and trusting to Mr. Buckleys honor. Sent vouchers receipted, but has never received any pay for the last two months. "Filed". See letters sent. No. 17 |
| Feby 20th 1868  10 | Bartlett, Charles C. Sub. Asst Com'r | Hd Qrs Sub. Dist of Selma, B R F A.L. Selma, Ala. Febry 17 1868  Forwards reports of Schools for freedmen in Selma for months of Nov & Dec. 1867 in compliance with request of Supt of Education. "Filed" |
| Feby 21st 1868 11 | Same | Head Quarters Sub Dist of Selma Selma, Ala Febry 18th 1868 Returns Jay M. Condichies vouchers not approved, enclosing copy of letter to Supt of Education, dated Dec. 16 67 giving reasons, &c. Filed. See letters sent. No. 2 | 

Transcription Notes:
"Same" - this means whatever person's name is in the "Writer's" column above this row is the same person in the next where it says "Same".