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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received | Name | Date and purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Mch. 6th 1868 21. | Blair Robert Sub. Asst Comr | Sub. Dist of Tuscaloosa, B.R.F. & AL Tuscaloosa March 1 1868 Transmits Report of Miss E L Benton's School and states that as the other teachers rec'd no aid from the Govt. they sent no report. |

| March 7th 1868. 22. | Bartlett C.C. Sub. Asst Comr. | Sub. Dist of Selma, Bu. R.F. & A.L. Selma. March 5th 1868 Transmits Report of Education of Freedmen &c form 4 for Month of Feby 1868 Filed |

| March 9th 1868. 23. | Blair Robert Sub. Asst Comr | Sub Dist of Tuskaloosa Tuskaloosa Mch 2nd 1868 Transmits blank vouchers for Mrs. J. A. Avery for rent omitted in Feby. Enclosure "Filed" |

| March 9th 1868 24 | Bartlett C.C. Sub. Asst Comr | Sub. Dist of Selma Bur. R.F. & A.L. Selma, Ala. March 7th 1868 Acknowledges receipt of ck no 1322. on Mobile for $40. favor J. L. Warren Filed |

| March 9th 1868 25. | Bartlett C C Sub Asst Com | Sub. Dist of Selma Bu RF & A.L. Selma, Ala March 7th Forwards new vouchers of A B Norris as teacher &c for May & July 1867, in place of old ones
Filed |


[[ 3 columned table]]
| When Received | Name | Date and purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 11 1868 26 | Blackwell Wyatt E&M. 16. p.9 | Lacy Springs Morgan County Ala, 1868 States that the school fund has been seized to pay state debts that it will deprive the poor people of educational priveleges, asks action by the Major Gen'l Commanding. Returned to Major Shorkley, A.A.A.G. |

| March 16th 1868 27. | Blair Robert Sub. Asst Com | Sub. Dist of Tuskaloosa. BRF & A.L. Tuskaloosa. March 9th 1868 Transmits report for Miss Benton's school for Month of January 1868 
Filed |

| March 16th 1868 28. | Bartlett C.C. S.A.C. | Sub. Dist of Selma. Bu RF & A.L. Selma Ala March 14th 1868 Forwards Consolidated Report of Schools for February 1868, and Reports of School by Miss C E Smith. Filed. |

| March 21st 1868 29 | Brown J.F. E and M 20 | Tuskegee, Ala. March 7th 1868 Asks the assistance of the Commissioner in procuring pay for his services rendered as teacher of Freedmen. Was employed by the Supt of Education in Dist of Ala. at $75.00 per month, and has rec'd pay for services rendered except four months for which time he claims pay less eleven dollars $11.00 paid him by the Colored people. |   

Transcription Notes:
Wyatt Blackwell - in the INDEX, it spells his first name as "Whyatt".