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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name | Date & Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Mch. 31. 1868.  30. | Bartlett C. C. Sub. Ass't Com.  L.S. 54. | Hd. Qr. Sub. Dist. Selma Bureau R.F. & A.L. Acknlg's recpt. of S.O. 29. C.S. S of A. authorizing erection of School building &c  The deed conveying the land upon which it is to be built ready for examination by Inspect. Rec &c. The usual bond required of A.M.A. not executed. Filed |

| April 1st 1868  31 | Bennett A. S.  1st Lieut & S A.C. L.S. 61 | Sub Dist of Demopolis  Demopolis Ala March 27th 1868  Encloses Dup vouchers from J B F Hill of Eutaw for D.O. &c Filed |

| April 5. '68  32 | Benton E. L. | Acknowledges except of draft sent by Capt. H. M. Bush for rent due Mrs Avery for month of January. Filed |

| April 7 1868 33 | Blair Robert. | Office Sub. Asst Com'r | Tuscaloosa. April 1st 1868 
Transmits voucher favor Mrs Avery for $12.50 being rent for Month of March 1868. Filed | 

| Apr. 9th 1868 34 | Bartlett C C | Sub Asst Com'r | Sub Dist of Selma B.R.F & A.L. Selma, Ala Apr 8th 1868  Forwards Report on Education of freedman for month of March 1868 |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name | Date & Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Ap. 13. 1868 34 | Burton H. H. S.A.C. E & M. 34. | Sub. Dist. of Eufaula Bureau &c Eufaula, Ala, Ap. 9th 1868. States that a freed's school at Glennville, Clairborn Co, Ala, consisting of 200. scholars is without a building to teach in. States that the freed people of Glennville & vicinity have succeeded in raising $300 and recommends that $600 more be furnished by the Bureau to Enable them to purchase a lot & build schoolhouse. |

| Ap. 14 1868. 35 | Brown J F  E & M 36 | Tuskegee. Ala Apr. 13 1868 Makes inquiry in regard to Communication sent to Genl O O Howard for pay for services as teacher of colored school. |

| Apr 21 1868 36 | Bartlett C C. Sub. Asst Com'r | Sub Dist of Selma. Bu R F & A L. Selma Apr 16 1868 Transmits Consolidated statement of Schools for month of March 1868 Filed. |

| May 4 1868 37 | Blair Robert S A Com'r | Sub Dist of Tuskaloosa Tuskaloosa Apr 30 1868 Transmits voucher favor Mrs Avery rent for school room for April 1868 Wishes it sent to New Haven Conn. |

| May 5 1868 38 | Blair Robert S A Com'r | May 2d 1868 Transmits Vouchers favor Allen William & States that Williams must leave there or they will kill him. |

Transcription Notes:
Do second side. Thanks.