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[[3 Columned Table]] 
| When Received | Name | Date and purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |
| May 9 1868  39 | Bartlett C C S.A.C. | Sub. Dist of Selma. B.R.F.A.L. Selma, Ala May 7th 1868  Transmits School Report No 4 for month of April, 1868 Filed |
| May 13 1868  40 | Bartlett C.C. S.A.C. | Sub. Dist of Selma B R F Selma May 12th 1868.  Transmits consolidated Report of Schools for month of April 1868. Filed |
| May 15 1868 41 | Bartlett C C  S A Com'r | Selma May 13 1868  Transmits school report of Mr H Schiller and voucher for rent of building occupied by him as school house for April 1868 |
| May 17th 1868 42 | Bartlett C C Sub Asst Com'r L.S. 94 & 38 | Selma. May 15th 1868  Returns checks 1129 on Mobile favor R R Vassar for $50.00 also check 1322. favor J L Warren for $40.00 and states that the parties cannot be found. Transmits receipts from teachers of freedmen's schools for salaries in 1867. Filed |
| May 22 1868 43 | Barnes & Co. L S  99 | New York. May 18th 1868  States that they are ready to furnish box of elementary books for distribution to extreme destitutes. Wishes to know to whom they can deliver them in New York. Filed. |

[[3 columned table]]
| When received | Name | Date and purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 23 1868  44. | Benton Ellen M. | Talladega Ala May 18" 1868  Returns transportation and states that she is going north direct from Talladega. Her address is Talladega Vergennes St. Filed. | 
| May 25" 1868  45. | Bartlett C.C. S A Com'r  E and M. 60. | Sub. Dist. of Selma. B R F & A L Selma Ala Feby 22d 1868 Requests information in regard to the feasibility of establishing school for freedmen at Airmount Ala. Mrs Hope having applied for assistance to establish a school there. |
| June 4th 1868  47 | Bennett A.S. 1st Lieut & S.A.C | Sub Dist of Claiborne Bureau &c Claiborne May 31st 1868  Enclosing S A Com'r Report Form 4 for Month of May.  Filed. |
| June 8th 1868  48 | Bartlett. C.C.  L.S. 113 | Sub Dist Elyton, Bureau &c  Elyton June 4th 1868  Forwards report in reference to educational matters  Filed |