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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name | Date and purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 20th 1868  61 | Buckley C. W. | Montgomery Ala. Aug 20th 1868  States that the claim of Mrs Feltz is correct and should be paid.  Filed |

| Aug 22 1868   62 | Bartlett C C S.A.C. | Selma Ala Aug 22nd 1868  Transmits tabular statement of schools for July 1868.  Filed |

| Sept 7th 1868  63 | Bartlett C C S.A.C. | Selma Ala Sept 5th 1868  Transmits School Reports forms 2 and 4 for month of August 1868.  Filed |

| Oct 12th 1868  63 | Bartlett C.C. S A Com'r | S D of Selma Oct 8th 1868  Transmits school reports for Sept 1868.  Filed. |

| Oct 13th 1868  64 | Bartlett C.C. S A Com'r  L.S. P.20. | S D of Selma Oct 12th 1868  States that he has consulted Mr Dainemore who will take charge of construction for $5.40 per day Has heard nothing from Com'r of Colored people.  Filed. |

| Oct 20th 1868  65, | Bartlett C.C. S A Com'r  L.S. Page. 36. | S D of Selma Oct 17 1868  Transmits vouchers favor Mrs G E Butler as teacher in Burnam from May 7 to July 6th 1868  Filed |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name | Date and purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 22nd 1868  66. | Bartlett C. C. S A Com'r  L.R. C 13. EM. 69, & 75. | Sub. Dist. of Selma. Oct 21st 1868 Writes relative to claims of Mrs E G Butler for services rendered as teacher of a colored school in 1867  Filed | 

| Oct 22nd 1868  67. | Bartlett C. C. S A Com'r  L.S. Page 37 | Sub Dist of Selma. Oct 21st 1868 Relating to bond of Am Miss Assoc for school house in Selma  Filed | 

| Oct 22nd 1868  68. | Bartlett C. C. S A Com'r  L. S Page 40 | Sub Dist of Selma Oct 21st 1868 Asks permission to make certain changes in plan of house in Selma  Filed | 

| Oct 24 1868  69. | Bartlett C. C. S A Com'r | Sub Dist of Selma. Oct 23rd 1868  States that the colored people dont take hold earnestly. thinks they may when the works begin. Does not advise an increase of appropriation  Filed | 

| Nov. 5th 1868.  70 | Bartlett C. C. S A Com'r | Sub dist of Selma. Nov 3rd 1868  Transmits receipts of J B. and M F Norris for $30.00 & $50.00 respectively for services as teachers in July 1867.  Filed. | 

| Nov. 7th 1868  71 |  Bartlett C. C. S A Com'r | Sub Dist of Selma Nov. 3rd 1868  Transmits school reports for Oct 1868.  Filed. | 

| Nov 14" 1868  72 | Bartlett C. C. S A Com'r  L.S p 68 - | Sub District Selma Selma Ala Nov 13, 1868  Asks instructions as to aid, to b given by this Office to free Schools, under the direction of State Government.  Filed. | 

Transcription Notes:
PURPORT is the correct word. Don't know why there are two # 63s.