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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 6/68  4. | Connelly, W.E. Sub Asst Com'r | Dist of Eufaula B.R.F & A L Eufala. March 3rd 1868 Transmits Sub Asst Com'r Report form 4 for Feby. Knows of several colored schools in his Sub Dist not reported, but has not as yet given personal attention to them Suggests that an assistant be appointed in his Sub Dist to attend wholly to schools  Filed |
| March 20th  5 | Callis John B  S.A.C, E and M. 18 P10 | Huntsville Ala March 14th/68 Transmits vouchers in duplicate from Jas B Travelli |
| April 6. '68  6. | Cravath  E.M. | Office Am. Med. Assoc. Com  April 1. 1868 Reply to application for additional Teachers (See Letter 59).  States that experience has shown that it is inexpedient to continue Teachers in the south during the months of July. Aug. & Sept.  Promises to occupy Montgomery, Mobile, Selma, & Talladega fully during the coming year; and to do as much more as may be able. Filed. |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Apr 25 1868  7 | Carson Robert R. Cor Secty. | Pa Branch Am F Union Commission Philadelphia Apr 21st 1868  Thinks it too late to send teachers this year. Wishes to know some thing of the field.  Have 2 teachers at Hunstville C at Okalona. Miss. and some in Tenn.  Thinks they may be able to send a few teachers next October Wishes to know how much the Bu can assist &c & what kind of teachers wanted gents or ladies.  White or colored  Filed |
| May 1st 1868  8 | Derry Solomon L.S. 86 | Union Springs Apr 27 1868 States that he has been miss represented, is perfectly willing that Mr Atwater should occupy U Springs has over 40 pupils and wants the $10.00 per month promised &c. Filed |
| May 4th 1868  9 | Carlin. W.J. Asst Com'r. | Bureau R F & A.L. State of Tennessee Asst Com'r Office Nashville Apr 25th  Requests copies of all circulars in regard to educational matters |
| May 25th 1868  10 | Curtis James Major & S A Com'r.| Sub Dist of Selma Bur &c Selma Ala May 21st 1868  Requisition for blanks Blanks sent May 26th 1868 |