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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd. | Name. | Date and purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| April 6th 1868  1 | Kenneday, Thos. M.  E and M. 32 Filed | Clayton Ala March 28th 1868  Transmits accounts for teaching colored school at Clayton | 

| Sept 12th 1868  2. | Kingsbury Geo. W. Lieut & S.A.C.  E and M. 85 | Opelika Ala Sept. 10th 1868  Recommends an appropriation of $10. per month for rent of freedmens school building at Auburn, Ala - |

| Sept. 16th 1868  3 | Kingsbury Geo. W. Lieut & S.A.C.  E and M. 86. | Opelika Ala. Sept. 12th. 1868.  Recommends that $20. per month be paid from Bureau funds to J A C Parker for rent of building occupied by freedmen's school at Youngsboro, Ala from July 1st 1868. | 

| Sept. 18th 1868  4 | Kingsbury Geo W Lieut & S.A.C.  E and M. 87 | Opelike Sept. 15th 1868.  Inquires whether there is any provision by the Bureau for furnishing text books from freedmen's school. | 

| Sept. 18" 1868  5. | Kingsbury Geo W Lieut & S.A.C.  E and M. 88. | Opelika Sept 10" 1868  Recommends that the sum of Two Hundred Dollars be appropriated from Bureau funds to aid in building a church and school house at Opelika Ala. | 

| Oct 9, 1868  6. | Kingsbury G. W. Lieut & S.A.C  E & M. 93. | Opelika Oct 8th 1868  Reports a large wood building  at Mill town Ala, the property of the late confederacy & recommends that it be appropriated to School purposes. | 

Transcription Notes:
Kenneday - sometimes seen as Kenedy