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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name | Date and purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

|March 5th 6|MsGogy[?]J.F. Sub. Asst Comas|Sub. Dist. Of Talladega B.R. F.& A.L. Talladega March 2nd 1868
Transmits monthly Report of Sub.
Asst. Comas on Education for month of February.    Filed

|” 7| Dane[?] Su L.S. 34|Sub. Dist of Talladega B R F & A.S. Talladega March 2nd 1868 Requests supply of blanks from
[?symbol] on which to consolidate school Reports     Filed|

|March 12th   8|Mclogy[?] James Sub. Asst Comas|Sub Dist of Talladega B R F and A. L. Talladega Mohg Encloses vouchers for purchase of sundry articles for repairing School Building at Talladega.  Filed|

| / 16” 1868   9| MGogy. J.F. S.A.C.,|Sub Dist Talladega B.R.F & A.L.  Talladega March 13th 1868 Forwards District Supt monthly Report of schools for February 1868     Filed |

|April 1 [?] 1868.  In. |H. M. Miller | Atlanta Ga March 30th 1868  Transmits  
Vouchers for rent of Schoolhouse at Eufaula for month of March 1868   Filed|

[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name | Date and purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

|April 8th 1868  11| MGogy. James Sub Asst Comas| Sub Dist of Talladega.  Talladega Apr. 4th 1868. Transmits school Reports for the month of March 1868. filed|

Apr 13th 1868   12| MGogy James. S.A. C.|Sub Dist of Talladega  Talladega Apr. 9th 1868  Requests supply of Ed Forms [?] for teachers Monthly Reports   Filed|

|Apr 24th 1868  13.  E and NV. 43|M Cullough A.W.|Huntsville Ala March 20 1868 States that he is engaged in the works of educating the FreedMan at the above place They are in great need of proper buildings for schools and wishes to know if the Bureau will assist them in building a school house the probable cost of which would amt to $2000.00. The building to be constructed for a graded school & normal class. And large enough to accommodate at least 200 pupils|

|April 25th 1868   14|J.F. M,,Gogy.  S A. C.|Talladega Apr 20th 1868. States that vouchers were forwarded in favor of J Chandon and R. A. Moseley for material furnished in repairing school building at Talladega and desires that said vouchers be delivered to Chf. D. Offices that they may be acted on without delay.  Filed.  Vouchers forwarded Apr. 25th 1868|