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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When received | Name | Date and purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 28 1868  1 | Pierce C. W. L.S. 38 | Demopolis Ala. Feby 20 1868.  Encloses draft in favor of J. L. Warren for forty dollars and salary for teacher of colored school at Barrieville Ala. and states that he cannot find Mr. Warren in his Sub. Dist. |

| April 7th 1868  2 | Pierce C W S.A.C.  L.S. 61 | Sub Dist of Demopolis B R F & A.L. Demopolis Ala Apr 4th 1868  Transmits corrected vouchers for Mr J B F Hill of Eutaw.  Filed | 

| Apr. 11, 1868.  3. | Pierce C. M. S.A.C. L.S. 50. E.& M. 19 L.R. H. 3. | Office Sub. dist. Demopolis. April 6". 1868.  Transmitting vouchers of Mrs Jane Merriweather for teaching Freedmen's School.  Filed. | 

| Apr. 17th.  4 | Parish Ivory Trustees Lincoln School. E & M. 37 | Marion Ala Apr 10, 1868,  Ask for additional appropriation of $760.00 for the completion of their building. | 

| Apr 25 1868  5. | Pelot, E. B. | Mount Meigs Apr 23rd 1868  Has commenced a school. Has thirty pupils,, charges $1.00 per Month in advance, but as yet has re'cd nothing  Shall be compelled to relinquish his school unless the Bureau will assist him with from $35 00 to $40.00 per Month, & building will be forfeited if vacant 18 months. |