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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name | Date and Purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 18 1868 14 | Porter I.S  E and M 90. L.R. P.12 | Shelby Iron Works Ala  August 22nd 1868  States that several hundred freedmen are employed there by the Co who receive only from 50ยข to $1.00 per day for their labor.  Many of them have large families to support & have $1.50 to pay per bush. for corn &c &c  Two months since he opened a school for the benefit of these freed people but will have to close it unless aid is rendered &c. |

| Oct 12. 1868  15. | Pope Augustus  E & M 94. | Montgomery Ala. Oct 10. '68  States that he has perform extra labor in the erection of the "Swayne School Building"; that be his personal supervision the work has been better & more economically performed; And that at the commencement of the work, under Genl. Shepherd, it was understood that some additional compensation would be allowed him.  States the facts & leaves the question of amount to be determined by the Ass'. Commissioner. |


[[3 columned table]]
| When Recd | Name | Date and purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 12th 1868  16 | Peck L. M. Miss  L.S. Page 19 |Deansville, N.Y. Oct. 3rd 1868  Asks in regard to salary as teacher colored school at Union Springs Ala in Sept 1867.  Encloses letter from C.W. Buckley.  Filed |

| Oct 25th 1868  17. | Peck Miss L. M.  L.S. Page 19 | Deansville, N.Y. Oct 21st 1868  Returns vouchers signed, and receipted.  Filed |

| Nov. 10th 1868  18. | Preston John H.  Co. Supt Lawrence Co.  S.S. Page | Dauville Ala. Nov. 6th 1868  States that it is impossible to have trustees in the townships do anything towards starting schools.  Asks in regard to bond &c.  Filed |

| Nov 17. 1868  19 | Powell. R. H.  L.S. p 71. | Troy Pike Co Ala  Nov 14, 1868  Writes for information in relation to building "school house" in that settlement for 45 or more scholars he has a competent teacher.  Filed |

| Dec 24 1868  20 | Peck, L. M. | Deansville  Dec 14 1868  Gives receipt to Supt of Education for the amount of $40 for teaching school at Union Springs Ala in Sept 1867.