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[[3 columned table]]
| When Recd | Name | Date and purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Apr. 14th 1868  5 | Tunier Wm  E and M. 38. | Wetumpka Apr. 14th 1868  States that he has a school organized at Wetumpka of 36 males, 43 females, but must give it up unless he can obtain assistance.  He is destitute of all luxuries and most necessities of life. |

| May 1st 1868  6 | Travelli Jos. S. GAF aid Comr | Pittsburg  May 1st 1868  Acknowledges receipt of $50.00 draft for rent.  Is fearful they will not be able to continue their labor as many cheerful givers are fearful that the freedmen are being made paupers by continued help from the North.  Requests Dr Harper to write to D C Hussey & others urging the continuation of the work.  Filed |

| June 9th 1868  7 | Taylor W.B. Jr Cir Secy  L S. 109 | Am Bible Society New York  May 18th 1868  Shipped 400 small Testaments 100 large & 50 Bibles for use of freedmen, & asks that receipt be acknowledged. |

|June 15th 1868  8. | Toomey Sheldon  E and M 70. | Opelika Ala June 2nd 1868  Writes in behalf of George Hawkins "cold" who claims pay for services as teacher of freedmen from May till Nov. 1866 |


[[3 columned table]]
| When recd | Name | Date and purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 3rd 1868  9. | Thompson E.T.  E & M. 96  S S. page 31 | Columbiana Ala Oct 2nd 1868  Is desiring of knowing disposition made of deed and states that she is very anxious to have the building completed as soon as possible.  Filed |

| Nov 5th 1868  10 | Travali Jos. H. |  No. 37 Fifth Avenue Pittsburg  Nov 2nd 1868  States that the old society is dead but that a new society is being organized in connection with New School Presby Ch. Office 150 Warren Street New York.  Rev. Edwin F. Hatfield Tempory Scty.  Wishes him addressed at once.  Filed |

| Dec 7, 1868  11 | Tavoli, T.H. Sub Asst Comr | Sub Dist of Mobile Bu R F & A L  Mobile Ala Dec 4, 1868  Transmits school Reports for November 1868  Filed. |