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[[3 Column Table]]
| When Received | Name | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |
| January 3   5 | Whittlesey E  A A A Gen'l | War Dept. Bu of F and A. L. Washington, Jany 20, 1868  Appoints Hon. Bush, Agent Bureau Ref and A Lands in Ala at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars per month to take effect Janry 14th 1868   "Filed" |

| March 9 1868  6. | Wheeler, C.P. Teacher  E & M 14 | Eufaula, Ala March 3, 1868  Asks for an appropriation of $1500. to build a school house at Eufaula for freed people |

| March 11th 1868   7 | Wheeler C.P.  E & M 15 | Eufaula Alabama. Feby 3rd 1868  States that he has heard nothing from the Bureau concerning his back pay and transportation for self and wife.  Requests Hon. J D Elliot to make application for position for him "Wheeler" and co  Returned to Major G Shorkley, March 12th with E. 15 |

| March 23 18   8 | Webster, J J.  L.S. 53 | Rockford Ill March 17, 1868  Asks for situation as teacher in Ala. Is graduate of Seminary and can furnish diploma and references |

[[3 Column Table]]
| When Received | Name | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 
| March 26th 1868  9 | Whittlesey, E.  A A A Gen'l  E and M 24 p.13. | War Dept. Bureau of R F and A L  Washington, DC  March 19 1868 States that his is directed by the Com to acknowledge receipt of communications requesting transportation from Demopolis Ala to Prescott, Wis. for Mr Drake wife & Miss Knight and refers to cir 22, Series 1867, under which no return transportation can be furnished to teachers. |

| March 27 1868   10 | Wiley, John  E and W 25 p 23. L.S.58 | Troy Ala  March 25th 1868  Asks if he will be allowed anything for rent  Mr Buckley late Supt Education promised him $10. Ten dollars per month. |

| April 8th 1868  11 | Wheeler, C.P. | Eufaula, Ala  Apr 3 1868  Transmits School Report for March 1868.  Filed |

| Apr. 13 1868  12 | Whipple George Sec. A.M.A. L.S. 65. | Office of A.M.A. N. York Ap 8th 1868
States that the Society has gone to the extent of its ability in sending teachers.  Can do no more.  Filed |

| Apr 18th 1868 13 | Wells, M.F. Supt F.S.  E & M 39 | Athens, Ala Apr 7 1868  Wishes to know if the Bureau can furnish some black boards and c. [[chalk]] for school purposes. |



Transcription Notes:
REOPENED. Too many [[?]] left on page. Should not have been "Mark as Complete". Also not typed in correct format on six of the rows.