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Hiram, O. Nov. 6th 1868.

Rev. R. D. Harper.

[[stamp of the National Archives of the United States]]

Dear Sir.
Yours of Oct. 31st was duly rec. and I am grateful for your prompt answer to my inquiries

One thing puzzles me, In the printed circular which Mr. Neely sent me from your office only two or three weeks ago, the Bureau promises to pay transportation-or furnish it, to the Northern Miss. teachers. and in your letter written but a few days later, you say “the Bureau can only pay rent.”

It is important, to know the real truth in this matter. Supposing there could be no mistake in this,  I have written numerous letters on the basis of free transportation. Is the fund to pay teacher’s really safe in the State Treasury? I ask more for others than for myself. Please write immediately. Mary Atwater Mantna Station O.