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necessary, would it not be well to substitute for the window, a door, which could be made to answer every purpose of a window, besides having the additional advantage of allowing passing from one part of the hall to the other, without entering the rooms above or going below stairs. As it is there seems to be but little, if any, use for a window there, unless it could be made to create light. The plan makes no provision for lighting this hall. Would it not be well to put windows in the teachers closets at the extremities of the hall

We commenced raising frame of School House yesterday. I am afraid we shall be troubled to get shingles to cover the roof. at what price could good Shingles on boat at Montgomery?

I hope to hear from you at an early day upon the above matters.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt
Chas C Bartlett
Sub Asst. Comm'r.

Transcription Notes:
Chas C Bartlett