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answers to all the questions propounded. To enable one to answer all of these questions properly, he should make a monthly tour through the Sub. Dist., (compromising five counties,) visiting each neighborhood, which would occupy his whole time. And, for the Sub. Asst. Comms. to do this, a great deal of business, equally important to the freedmen, must be neglected. I make these statements, not by way of complaint of these duties, the great importance of which I fully appreciate, but to respectfully call your attention to the necessity of having a Supt. of Education for this Sub. Dist., whose entire time might be devoted to this important branch of the Bureau.

Hoping that the reasons above stated may be deemed a sufficient apology for the meagerness of the enclosed Report, and that you may receive fuller Reports from this Sub. Dist. in future.

I have the honor to be
Sir, very respectfully,
your obt. Servt.

Sub. Asst. Comm.