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West Point May 10th / 68

Rev O. D. Harper


Dear Sir
having a little business which I presume properly comes before you I here make my statements. I taught the Freedman's School last year at West Point. Rev. C.W. Buckley employed me at 15 dollars per. month. Which I have his letters to show. J.H. Caldwell of La Grange, Ga. was the man that assisted me in getting the school. he also saw the Letters & receips of all the money paid, perhaps. Mr Buckley is yet behind with me fifty dollars. I have written to him untill I am disgusted and he will not So much as answer my letters. Will your kindness therefore inquire into This matter? and if you find that I am conned Compell Mr. Buckley to pay the amt and without delay. I have The receipts of all moneys sent. I first Suspitioned him in 2 vouchers sent Acknowledging $50.00 all the others $75.00 and on those two vouchers $50.00 Each is where he has made his blunder,