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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States  [[/stamp]]

Demopolis, Ala. Apl 6th 1868

Rev Mr Harper:
Dear bro -
I find in the office at this place no proper form of vouching for the application which I make to your office to be paid for my services as a teacher at Colored School at Eutaw from Apl. 1st 1867 to Aug 1st of the same year. Will you be good enough to have them made out and sent to this office for the approval of Maj' C.W. Pierce Sub Com, at this post, and my own signature, likewise the form of affidavit which you wish me to make.
And much oblige  Yours Fraternally
J.B.F. Hill

P.S. There is no school taught here for freedmen and many of them are exceedingly anxious that it should be kept up. If I was assured that I would be paid for my services