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are at work in the field, but there is at least Eight Hundred Children that could be going to School, their Parents are very desirous towards this end, and offer every indorsement to this Department that their scanty means will afford in organizing Schools immediately, to be in running order where crops are finished, so that those now employed might have the advantage of it during this Summer and Fall,
No difficulty will be met with in getting suitable Houses in the various locations where the Schools are required, nor do I anticipate any trouble in their organization and the procuring of competent Teachers at a very small expense.
These suggestions I most respectfully submit for your consideration and will await your instructions to take any action you may deem expedient

I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servant
Robert Harrison
Capt 35th U.S.I. Sub Asst Commr BRF & AL.

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of one word Edited, word added.