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children or themselves.

I have 52 Schollars attending my Day School - and for the benefit of those who Labor I teach a night School - from 7 to [[9 1/2?]] o.c. and have 33 Schollars attending Now for this arduous labor teaching 85 Schollars and confined to the School Room 11 Hours in 24 - I receive but Sixty Dollars per month, this from the Company, while any little Pettifogers in the state charges from $2.50 to 5.00 per month for each Schollar. The Teacher of the White School at this place charges $2.00 per mo. and with 40 S-s and 6 Houses per day receives much more than I do- Can you assist me? Please write me soon at "Shelby Iron Works Via Columbiana Ala"

Respectfully &c
J. S. Porter

P.S. I refer you to Mr A. G. West Suptdt also to Honl. J. Mahan & P. A. Kendrick in Leg's

Transcription Notes:
e "... in Leg's" - (at the bottom) means: in the Legislature. He is calling them "Honorables J. Mahan & P.A. Kendrick." P.A. Kendrick may be "Palmer Kendrick" in Shelby Co. "... teach a night School - from 7 to 9 1/2 o.c." - It looks like 9 1/2 which would mean the teacher teaches from 7 - 9:30 o'clock (o.c.). Pettifoggery - deception, being underhanded, petty, or disreputable