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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States  [[/stamp]]

Sub Dist. of Opelika
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Opelika Ala Oct. 29th 1868

Mr R.D. Harper,
Supt of Education,
Montgomery Ala,

I have the honor to report that to day was the time agreed upon by myself and the Trustees of the (Col) Church at this place, to change their deed, and transfer the Property for School purposes. The Trustees were willing to change the deed, but were prevented from doing, by a majority of the members of the Church, who were not willing to it, They say (however) that they have raised enough money to pay all the lumber, that is necessary to finish the house, and will have it completed in a few weeks, after which they are perfectly willing for it to be used for school purposes.

Very Respectfully &c,
D.B. Smith
Sub Asst. Comr.